Alien abductions are the common lore. Every day we open the news and find some guy claiming that he was abducted. But amidst the garbage of hoaxes and frauds, there happen to be some true and rather strange accounts that sweep the news from time to time. Such a case would be the one that occurred in the Buff Ledge Summer Camp in the late 1960s, as two teens enjoying the sunset were taken against their will by little gray aliens, a case which leaves us with the ringing question: What happens when they come knocking at your door?
Look! A UFO!
The all-girls summer camp of Buff Ledge on the banks of Lake Champlain north of Burlington, Vermont became the site of one of the most baffling cases of extraterrestrial abduction in the afternoon of August 7, 1968. As Michael Lapp, 16 and Janet Cornell, 19, the camp maintenance man and the camp ski instructor respectively, were enjoying a pleasant view of the setting sun, a bright light appeared in the sky, and soon appeared to drop towards them. Assuming that it was some sort of light reflected from Venus, Michael exclaimed: "Wow! Venus is falling!" However, they soon noticed that the single bright light soon dropped three smaller lights from itself, and together, the lights began to play in the skies, disappearing, reappearing, doing zig-zags, loops and suddenly dropping right before them. Then three UFOs formed a triangle, two pulled away, and one hurled at the surprised teens.
Aliens Aboard
The lone UFO dropped into the lake before their eyes, and reemerged right next to them. Through its transparent dome, the youngsters could make out two beings, hairless, short-stature, elongated necks, large heads and large, beady eyes. t this point, Michael felt telepathically connected to the aliens. He slapped his knee, and a gray just mimicked his action.
Forced Abductions and Terrorized Teens
As the UFO took them by surprise by shooting a beam of light towards them, Michael grabbed Janet, dodged, and the two ended up landing on the deck on their backs. After this, all Michael could recall was sitting on the dock with the UFO far away from them, Janet sitting in a trance beside him.
Refreshing Old Memories
Five years passed without an incident, till one day Michael began having recurrent nightmares. Ten years later, he approached Walter Webb from the Center of UFO Studies. Under a session of regressive hypnosis, he recalled how the aliens took them from a smaller UFO to a larger one, laid Janet down on an examination table, took samples of her skin and body fluids and declared that they wanted to make Earth their habitat, without violence (of course). Janet, now 29, underwent a similar hypnotic session, and her testimony matched Michael's. Webb soon tracked down other members of the Buff Ledge camp who had witnessed similar strange events earlier in the summer. The Buff Ledge abdcution developed into a high-profile, legitimate anomaly.
A typical case of extraterrestrial abduction, the Buff Ledge incident received quite the spotlight in its time. The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) investigated it, and top newspapers received it with great enthusiasm. What are your thoughts on this weird event?