Have you had a psychic experience? Has something happened in your life that defies explanation... but you are afraid to share it, or tell others, for fear out of sounding nuts, or like you are making something up for attention?
If you are anything like tens of millions of ordinary people who have extraordinary experiences, the chances are you HAVE, and are uncertain what to do about it.
I'll give you an example:
I had an out of body experience years ago while lying in bed one night... and I literally had no idea what to do about it. What did it mean? Was it relevant to my journey and growth as a human being, or was it simply a hallucination? It felt MORE real than ordinary reality, and I was, and remain to this day, COMPLETELY certain it wasn't my imagination, or a hallucination, or some sort of weird brain blip.
But what could I really do to express that experience to others without sounding weird, strange or an attention diva? Very little I found out. Telling my friends, they all either laughed, and turned it into a joke... OR, gave me a "wow" and moved on to talk about our local sports team, or where we were going to go drinking later than weekend.
My best advice? (and what I did to clarify and crystallize the experience AND my desire to learn more about them)
I wrote it down. And with as much detail as I could remember. This has been incredibly valuable to me... as now, years later, I can refer to my experience, and compare it and contrast it to those of others, who have had the same thing happen. (and believe me, there are literally MILLIONS of people who have had spontaneous OBE'S. There are hundreds of books written about them, and no less than 10 scientific studies that are going on right now to figure out exactly WHAT they really are)
Don't wait. Write down ALL of your psychic experiences. I don't care if it's seeing an apparition, having a precognitive dream, hearing footsteps in an empty house or anything else that feels like it's pushing the boundaries of what we believe, write it down, and share it with others who have had the same things happen. For me, it's opened my life up to the journey, and adventure of a lifetime... and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Have YOU had a really COOL Psychic Experience? Share YOURS, or read more Psychic Stories HERE!