Robert Monroe was the pioneer of providing information on the Out of Body Experience. It is his books that provided me with the knowledge and confidence to know that I was not losing my mind whilst experiencing similar phenomena.
As with many "synchronicities" his information appeared to me at the right time. I had just made an appointment with a psychiatrist due to the extreme experiences I was having on an almost nightly basis when I located one of his books "Journeys Out of the Body."
Whilst Monroe's work appears to be at the cutting edge on this subject, this phenomenon has been known and practiced consciously for thousands of years by shamans, astral travelers, medicine men and women as well as adepts of Egyptian and many other dynasties.
My own experience was similar to Monroe's in as much as I never consciously willed this to happen. It was a spontaneous incident that was the beginning of a journey into multidimensional reality. The specifics of the journeys are less important than the journey itself. We all have a guidance system built into our consciousness and at a certain stage in our evolution, this system will activate and cause events to occur that catalyze our knowledge and evolution.
The experience progresses in stages as with any educational system. One starts in infant school and eventually graduates to high school and then University, discovering more complex information as one progresses. My initial experience was seeing myself walking up the wall and across the ceiling of the room where my physical body lay. This progressed to visiting time zones and realities definitely not of this Earth, eventually to encountering incidents of spiritual battles.
My own experiences led me to research information relevant to the incidents that were occurring during the OOBE (Out of Body Experience). From the onset of these OOBES the whole of my life altered beyond belief. I changed my career which had been based around finance and marketing into Holism and Volunteering.
I was still a novice, whilst it appeared in the reality I was surrounded with then, as at the cutting edge of a multidimensional experience, I have discovered since that this phenomena was far from new.
Is there anything new in the world today?
Perhaps it only seems new because our memories of other places, other dimensions, other realities and time zones have by necessity been cut off from us for our own protection. Too much experience of altered realities can send an unbalanced person into a psychiatric unit. It would auger well for clinical psychologists and the medical profession generally to become educated on the OOBE phenomena, then perhaps instead of sedating folks with medications that often have debilitating side effects, they could hold and contain the individual whilst they integrate and ground their experience.
Since the age of information is well underway it is only a matter of time before this subject is given credence and not viewed as "alternative" by mainstream investigators.
As I write this some twenty-six years since the very beginning of my OOBES, I am filled with gratitude for the beings who guided me through what appeared at times to be quite a perilous journey. There were periods when some of these experiences seriously affected my waking reality. But I was not left in the dark for long periods as the guidance from other realities manifested in form to reassure me that I was not alone.
If you have accessed this article you are clearly interested in the subject and may even be experiencing similar phenomena and researching the subject.
In the meantime trust your experiences but be circumspect on who you share them with. Until one is grounded and integrated into a multidimensional experience one can be subject to ridicule and derision from those who misunderstand and who have their own belief system to protect, and they may feel threatened about what they do not understand.
Should you find your own journey going quicker than your physical human body can cope with it does no harm nor will it slow up your progress to say "Stop!" Should you encounter phenomena that feels threatening, call upon Divine Love, Power and Wisdom to protect and lead you. You will develop symbols and skills to navigate around this multidimensional universe that are personal to you. But remember you are here in human incarnation to further your human experience and therefore it is not useful to misuse the ability to go out of the body as a way to abdicate personal responsibility for the human incarnation.
In the meantime "Happy Travels..."
"That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power,
which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."
Albert Einstein
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