As we enter this new age of mankind, there is much discussion concerning the end of an era. Many relate it to the earth coming to an end, however this is not the case. Throughout history there have been countless groups and individuals contemplating the end of civilization, they have always been wrong, the earth is still here, humans are still here and both will be for quite some time.
What is happening with the coming age is a shift in consciousness. This is what is foretold in the ancient Mayan legends, this is why their calendar, as well as the Cherokee, Hindu and other calendars as well are ending and beginning a new cycle.
There have been many prophesies before the 2012 Mayan calendar became known and published. Even in my own life, some how I knew as a child these would be trying and changing times. Because of the evolved learning of many on the planet and a desire to know more, the earth is entering a time of increased Christ Consciousness whereby humans are beginning to understand their connection to their God Source.
Through out the ages, souls have been searching for the ultimate reunion with their counter part,or twin flame, the part they were separated from during creation. this has lead to much confusion and feelings of separation, many have resorted to infidelity as a result of not being with the one they long for.
This shift in consciousness is a natural happening and a part of the grand design. It is now our choice of which way we want to go. We can either seek the path of enlightenment or sink into old habits of self destruction.
Each one has the choice to relearn the tried and true values of the ancients or succumb to values of destruction and mayhem taught by modern day charlatans. This by no way means we need to return to the days of living in a shack or tent. We now enjoy many modern luxuries of life, these are not to be given up, mankind has worked long and hard for this life style, and we deserve it.
What needs to be done now is to merge our modern day knowledge of technology with the ancients understanding of the spiritual laws of nature and nature's God, to create a life unparalleled in history. As we advance in our knowledge and souls begin uniting with their twin flames, it will bring forth a Christ Consciousness that will elevate willing souls to a new heaven on earth, the Seventh Golden Age.
I have traversed the globe in search of truth, my truth, during which time I have had an opportunity to study with Aborigine elders, native American Indians, and some of the world's finest intuitive. All of this has lead me to better understand our world and all things therein contained.
I have created a blog to share some of my adventures and knowledge as I see it.
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I am available for private consultation.