Spirit Releasement, Possession and Depossession - Things Do Go Bump in the Night

Of life and death
Of life and death (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you've found this article there is probably a good chance that you are just curious about the macabre side of life or there are weird unexplainable things happening in and around you that are causing disturbances to your quality of living. This starts getting into issues of what happens when we die, hauntings, possession, the world beyond our normal sense of visions, nightmares, rash behavior and thoughts that don't seem like you, curses, malevolent thought forms, extra terrestrials, demons, angels and ghosts! Oh My!

Unfortunately for many people, the stories that you hear about on TV and see in movies are all too real and a simple disbelief or unwillingness to acknowledge them can be way more costly than simply opening your mind to a greater and deeper perception of reality. Fact of the matter is, we on Earth are living in a plane of duality whereby the creative forces of the universe interact and create through a balancing act that occurs and comes out of a shifting of polarities; light vs dark, good vs evil, masculine vs feminine, sweet vs sour, love vs hatred, happy vs sad, peace vs war, red wine vs white wine etc. In and of themselves they are all forces which both oppose each and oscillate from one side of creation to the other. Thus you have vast creative potential and forward progress or decline in society and civilizations which can give birth to new experience and evolution at a soul level.

After we die, there is not always a clear distinction that takes place for the part of the soul that associated itself with being human, especially if that consciousness died in a traumatic manner or deems itself to have unfinished business. After death, there is a narrow band of time that elapses wherein that part of the soul that was existing in a physical body has help and assistance to pass through the vibrational threshold and continue on with it's evolution, go through a life review, plan out it's next life time, etc. If the dejected aspect of a persons soul misses that window it is often times trapped or stuck existing in a state of limbo between the two planes of consciousness, the living and the dead. These souls wander their familiar locales during their physical life and try to interact with other beings but not getting any acknowledgment get mired in a swamp of confusion until someone who has the capacity to bridge the two planes of the physical and the lower planes of the after life come along to do something about it acting as the channel for the transference or passing over to take place.

After a time, many of these 'lost souls' struggle to feel anything and find that when they come into people with intense emotions and life experiences going on, they feel something! They found a drug and unfortunately for the living the drug comes at the expense of their normal life and their energy field. These discarnate spirits attach inside of peoples energy fields or bodies that are worthy batteries and learn the weaknesses and vices of the individual they have attached to and slowly over time learn to control and manipulate the individual for the purpose of milking them for energy. The vast majority of this energy comes from the lower base emotions such as fear, envy, sadness, hostility, rage, violence, addiction and the like. This can go on for a long time and the person being milked for energy may be none the wiser for as you can imagine, once a discarnate entity has managed to find a viable host, it's not in any hurry to leave so it often plays as low key as possible.

Discarnate spirits are typically on the lower end of the totem pole. Regardless though they can wreak absolute havoc on the life of an individual and their family. Up a notch above discarnate spirits you can run into some meaner nastier and more powerful things that have a lot more consciousness that simply a discarnate spirit. Welcome to the playing field of Demonic beings and Extraterrestrials/Hyper Dimensional beings. These classes of 'beings' are often a lot more terrifying, dangerous and manipulative. They can and will exploit every weakness in you imaginable and can turn you into their walking puppet. Ever sense some really really horrible energy around someone else and when you notice their life everything imaginable is going wrong? Illness, disease, accidents, suicidal tendencies, huge mood swings and it's as if that person is no longer the person you remember them being? It is not uncommon for these individuals to be under the influence of something else that is manipulating them for their own agenda.

It is not too difficult for these beings to implant telepathic thoughts into the mind of another and have the person believe that it is their own scary thoughts. The longer any of these beings are occupying the energy of another person, the more devious they can become as they continue to open up new holes and dig deeper into the psyche of the harassed individual to gain better control. Beings such as this can eventually lead you to kill yourself, end up in a major accident, make a horrendous decision or eventually completely have you dissociate from your physical body. Sometimes these attacks have been going on for years before a person will finally stand up and figure out that something is seriously wrong and it's not me! Sorry most psychotherapists but you are working with an incomplete model of reality.

Many if not most of those people in psych wards are the victims of such attacks but they are never recognized as such. It's pretty sad but it's a genuine truth. Not all people labeled schizophrenic are suffering from the illness, many of these people are misdiagnosed because the institutions ignore anything that's not right in front of them. You might not actually be crazy! Many of these are problems of a more spiritual manner. Behind the scenes there can often be a lot more going on than you can even imagine. Portals between dimensions, energy cords connecting you to places that you've been where there can be a constant influx of discarnate beings coming and going (think funeral home or hospital) and for all you know your neighbors in and around you could be actively invoking spirits from the other side through practices such as voodoo, Santeria, black magic, channeling, seances, wouji boards, fundamentalist groups that engage in speaking in tongues, witch craft or any other number of things that go on around us. I have seen and been witness to many an instance where a persons neighbor moves out and all of a sudden they are having weird things happening around their house. Their neighbors left their trash!

So...how do you know if you might be under the influence or if you really are simply nutty? A simple test comes out of the tradition of Phillipino Faith healers; put your hands side by side palms facing you and line up evenly the two lines on your pinkies so they are even with each other, in other words your pinkies should be an even mirror on each hand. Next go down and look at the first major line on your palms that looks like a half crescent moon, keeping the lines on your pinkies together evenly, do the lines on your palm line up evenly? Is one of the sides of the moon higher or lower than the other? If so, there is a very high chance that you have something in your field that in not of you. This may be either an entity, a thought form or a curse. I find entities to be a lot more common than either thought forms or curses. The miraculous thing is that as soon as the offending intruder is removed, the lines on the persons palm come back into alignment with each other! Some entities are smarter than others and will actually hide themselves from you so this technique isn't 100% foolproof but I find it works a lot more often than not. Check site if you want a visual picture of it.
Some of the symptoms associated with bothersome intruders are:

- Overwhelming abnormal feelings of foreboding
- unexplainable illnesses
- constant negative thoughts that don't jive with your normal personality
- commands and directives to do bad things
- unexplainable tightness in the center of the chest, stomach or middle of the shoulder blades
- a feeling of being in a dark cloud
- consistent string of horrible experiences happening to you
- unexplainable feelings of coldness
- phantom pains
- cold spots in rooms
- bad feelings when you enter a particular place or room
- seeing apparitions
- huge mood swings that come from out of nowhere and are not typical of you
- major compulsions to do things that are bad for you, might be new compulsions
- suicidal feelings for no reason
- nightmares are a major giveaway
- dreams that make you feel shameful or bad
- hearing random noises; scraping, scratching, sounds of footsteps and doors closing
- changes in sleep patterns
- negative changes in personality
- feelings of isolation when you in fact aren't
- unexplained hostility
- losing control of your body
- abnormal sexual urges
- feelings of a malevolent presence around you
- dark images begin coming to your mind
- pets getting agitated or barking/hissing at invisible space
- unexplainable wounds, scratch marks, bruising, etc
- getting pushed or thrown into things with nothing around you
- eyes become dimmer
- loss of desire towards positivity and positive directions in your life
- seizures when you have no prior history
- if you can remember a specific day or time when everything started to go bad for you
- constant string of tragedies
- psychics or clairvoyants telling you you have visitors

I'm sure there are others but that's good enough for now. I want you to understand that if you do in fact have any negative attachments it doesn't make you a bad person or mean you are evil or not religious or spiritual or working with the devil or anything like that. I have watched clairvoyantly people who say 'I only work with Angels' walk into workshops and lectures with nasty nasty things floating around them and they have no idea. This particular arena has absolutely nothing to do with religion and anyone who tells you otherwise is simply ignorant. It is simply a consequence of the world and reality we live in which we are told and taught to believe doesn't exist because you can't observe it with the normal 5 senses. That's like saying Earth is the only planet in the galaxy or the universe that has intelligent life on it; there are trillions of stars with hundreds of trillions of planets and we're it? Ya right!

I have specifically left out thought forms and curses because they are entirely different articles in themselves and can be a lot more complex than dealing with aware forms of consciousness such as comes about with instances of spirit attachment and possession. Also, rarely if ever will you see anything like was portrayed in the movie the exorcist. Full body possession is a rare phenomenon and there are often extraneous circumstances taking place like someone willfully opening themselves up to it and allowing it to happen. There are also another classification of trouble that come ones way and can seem like outsiders but are in fact damaged parts of ones own psyche that came out of the shadow or unconscious self. I am not going to touch on those as they are ones own personal demons to deal with and resolve. Pick up a book on the shadow or Jungian psychology if you wish to explore your own inner darkness and most brilliant light.
So, you think you have something, what do you do? Call a priest? Call a shrink? Drink a beer? In my opinion the best thing you can do is deal with it yourself! On my site I have a few prayers that have been found to be effective but they are not simply to be read, you need to feel them throughout your whole being. Asking something to leave often usually will not work and holy water and a cross likely wont either. These beings could usually care less about holy relics, your own personal empowerment and will power can move mountains however. Also, sending something to the light will not actually get rid of the offending entity, they usually just leave and go to harass and bother someone else.

My spiritual family has observed that when priests do their ritualized fashion of depossession, they actually don't do the compassionate thing and send these beings on with their evolution, they simply disconnect them and allow them to go bother someone else. There are other healers that just dump negative attachments into salt water thus polluting the waters of our planet rather than actually releasing them up to the higher planes and eventually these entities make it back to solid ground one way or another. Yet others that do depossession work such as those rare but valiant hypnotherapists can take a good long time to actually get something to leave, I've read of others who do huge elaborate rituals and require fasting and repentance and instill feelings of guilt and shame and whatever other dogma they can possibly stick you with. Most of these people make you meet with them and very few actually know what is going on behind the scenes and leave incomplete work with left open portals, cords, bad energy lingering, etc. Without a developed clairvoyant, psychic, or Akashic Record reader around, there are simply too many angles abound that one needs to be aware of and many of them don't make sense to our rational minds.

I have a different approach to this whole subject utilizing the skills and abilities I have been given and developed as I have opened up to my spiritual path. Using clairvoyance, out of body travel, remote viewing and a working relationship I have established with the higher dimensional realms, I go where ever I need to go without having to meet anyone in person, don't ask questions or ask nicely for the offending host to leave or why it was there or how it died in the first place and engage in what I can only describe as psychic warfare. Any time anyone does this work regardless of how they are doing it they are putting both themselves and the other person in harms way as quite frankly many of these things have no desire or intention of leaving until you're dead and gone. I first figure out what the situation is, prepare myself and establish a protective space for me to work from and show up guns blazing (metaphorically speaking, no real guns are used in the process, no animals are hurt either). The result is that the offending entities leave quickly before they know what is going on or can retaliate and I personally either take them into the tunnel or I have those forces responsible for doing this kind of work come and take a very disoriented consciousness on with it's evolution so as not to bother anyone else and can have its own experience of the after life. Pairs of angels are most frequently the beings that show up to close up what I start. Lastly I have no judgment for either the entity departing or for you, the victim. Bad things happen to good people and I am truly blessed and happy to be able to assist in bringing order back to your life in the shortest, least painful, least intrusive way possible. If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to write or contact me.

- Andrew
None of what I have written above has come from any outside sources, courses, books or anything to learn how to do this. I learned on my own through the school of hard knocks. This entire article is from my own personal experiences and observations, not theory.
Andrew Guzik is an Advanced Energy Healer, Massage Therapist (LMT #) and Akashic Record Consultant living in South Florida who also does Spirit Releasement, Depossession, and Building Clearing (think Feng Shui without moving anything). His work is a synthesis of working both with the physical body and the higher dimensional realms to achieve remarkable results for people on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. He is a Reiki Master, Body Talk Access Practitioner, and Core Light Healer Facilitator but much of his healing work has come from training he received while in deep states of meditation within the higher planes of consciousness where he continues to go to learn new information and skills to bring positive change into the lives of those he comes into contact with. His Body Work is likewise a bridge between the physical body and the higher dimensions whereby he allows for high levels of energy to flow into the client for whatever they need at that particular point in time. He facilitates this through developed clairvoyance, clairaudience and psychic surgery. As an Akashic Record Reader Andrew taps into the same plane for information as was utilized by Edgar Cayce, the most accurate psychic ever to have lived. Andrew also facilitates the spiritual growth of those willing to step up to the plate of their full potential as an activator for an energy consciousness known as the Lily and Beyond.
Andrew's website is http://www.sunsetsupernatural.com and http://www.lilyandbeyond.org. He can be reached at drew@sunsetsupernatural.com

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